Hi my name is Niki and I love food! There I said it, lol!
During all of my pregnancies the cravings I had were unreal, not your average pickle kind of girl. Oh no! I wanted spoonful's of Betty Crocker cream cheese frosting and a whole pie to myself. Yes, it's very hard to admit, but hey it's true!
After gaining more weight than I should, feelings of insecurity hit me, I wanted to eat good so I could feel good! Well since I love food especially sweets (I get bored of eating celery sticks while wishing it was a pie a la mode) It's hard not to crave sweets or comfort foods.
The beginning of my weight-loss journey, I did attempt at some fad diets but I just couldn't stick to them. So I thought to myself...how about I find healthier ways of eating the foods I already enjoy? So I started researching what's "good" food and what's "bad" food etc. I also incorporated fitness into my routine and started feeling extremely confident!
That was five years ago, which brings me to today. I had my third (and last, lol) beautiful baby boy eight weeks ago! In the beginning of my pregnancy I was doing great, I continued to eat good and worked out, but around the 7th month I gave up..lol. I no longer was interested in working out and I began to crave gummy bears, doughnuts, and tortas with extra hot salsa!! I broke the scale(painful truth, kind of) after giving birth, I began to feel insecure again.
However, this time I knew I could do it!! Once again I started eating healthy, after I was approved I ran to workout!! This time was different though, I didn't want to get in shape and eat healthy for myself something inside wanted to scream it to the world and tell all my fellow ladies there is hope (confidence, sexiness, whatever you need to feel good) at the end of the tunnel. I decided to become a Beach Body Coach to help women learn the benefits of getting into shape and eating yummy healthy foods. I'm a nutrition nerd, I still love food though. But seriously tell me your cravings and I can show you how to eat it and not feel bad!! Pies, Pizza, Pasta you name it I have a healthy alternative to so many yummy dishes!! Every recipe you find in here is guilt free, yay!!!
I have always had a passion to help women and I want to share with all of you a way to be able to make healthy eating taste good and working out fun!! If you don't struggle with weight-loss (I hate you, kidding seriously kidding) Still please come join us!! I would love to be your Coach and help you start living a healthier lifestyle!!
Love always